Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kukkiwon Upgrading Test

Venue : MSN Shah Alam
Date    : 14-16/11/2011

Alhamdulillah semua lulus. Tahniah utk suami dan rakan taulan yang ambik test. 테렝가누주 수 있습니다 Enjoy the pics. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What is there to voice out?

Statement by Marina Mahathir: Why go after Ambiga, come after me if you dare!

By Maria Begum.
Published on Nov 7, 2011 in The Malaysian Chronicle 

Marina Mahathir, the high-profile daughter of ex-premier Mahathir Mohamad, has warned the authorities and troublemakers alike not to make Bersih chief Ambiga Sreenevasan and other activists scapegoats for the Seksualiti Merdeka event slated for November 9 to 13.

“For the struggle, ask me. I have been defending the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community’s rights for over 20 years now. In fact, I defend the rights of all who have been discriminated against, the poor and everyone else. So if there is any discrimination or violence against anyone, I will continue to defend their rights. That’s it. Do you understand?” a seething Marina told a press conference on Monday.

--------------and there is another hard-core supporters, and she is also a Muslim and I quoted here her email posted in lawyerstalk----------statement yang lagi happening dan pening! gila!----------------------

"First,  thank to you all who lambasted my opinion and even to the extent of
personal attacks.  Funnily, it all comes from the Malay lawyers... Somehow
I am not surprise though.  The day someone from the Malay community can
speak with sense and rationality, (though I must say there are some) I will
be shocked!!

Really, I have no problems with that.  Say what you want and I will keep on
saying what I believe is true.

We started this on the issue about WHY BAR COUNCIL ISSUE A STATEMENT


If you failed to see that, tak dapek den tolong ....

And pleaseee...... don't start to debate on why this and why that on what
religion says about homosexuality...

Any sensible reading on the tale of the prophet Lot or Lut and the
destruction of Sodom was debunked by scholars years ago and it is
irrelevant to homosexuality as we know it today.

If you want to take an inflexible and legalistic view of the scripture,
well go ahead.  I would rather focus on the overall spirit of a faith
rather than the letter and to reinterpret it in the light of new
understandings of human behaviour.

As one view from an extreme conservatives known as the Quakers way back in

Surely it is the nature and quality of a relationship that matters: one
must not judge it by its outward appearance but by its inner worth.
Homosexual affection can be as selfless as heterosexual affection, and
therefore we cannot see that it is in some way morally worse.

Homosexual affection may of course be an emotion which some find
aesthetically disgusting, but one cannot base Christian morality on a
capacity for disgust. Neither are we happy with the thought that all
homosexual behaviour is sinful: motive and circumstances degrade or ennoble
any act ...

... An act which expresses true affection between two individuals and gives
pleasure to them both, does not seem to us to be sinful by reason alone of
the fact that it is homosexual. The same criteria seem to us to apply
whether a relationship is heterosexual or homosexual.

It is ashamed that the progressive forces in Islam are extremely weak,
though they do exist.  Perhaps the reasons for their weakness are mainly
historical or social and have nothing to do with the nature of Islam
itself.  The result, unfortunately, is that all sorts of dogmatic rubbish
invoking the "fixed principles of Islam" is allowed to pass unchallenged.

One extraordinary and horrific example of following supposedly divine rules
without applying common sense occurred in 2002 when fire broke out at a
girls' school in Mecca.  Saudi religious police were on hand to ensure that
those trying to escape were properly attired in headscarves and black
abayas.  Eyewitness accounts told of girls being forced back into the
burning building to retrieve their head-coverings. Several who went back
died in the blaze - the price of enforcing fixed principles.

People who adopt this sort of religious outlook love nothing better than
reducing moral dilemmas to a simple choice of black versus white.  But real
life is rarely like that.  More often, it is necessary to weigh the
benefits of various courses of action and consider if any harm is likely to
result from each.  This is what the religious police failed to do in the
Mecca school fire, and it is what Islamic scholars fail to do when arguing
against homosexuality.

I remain steadfast to principles of love and compassion and do no harm to

My feeling after reading the above statement- Subhanallah. Indeed we are now approaching the Resurrection. Fear Allah my learned friend!

﴿54﴾ وَلُوطاً إِذْ قَالَ لِقَوْمِهِ أَتَأْتُونَ الْفَاحِشَةَ وَأَنتُمْ تبْصِرُونَ ﴿55﴾ أَئِنَّكُمْ لَتَأْتُونَ الرّ‌ِجَالَ شَهْوَةً مِن دُونِ النّـِسَآءِ بَلْ أَنتُمْ قَوْمٌ تَجْهَلُونَ.

54. “ And (We sent) Lot, when he said to his people: ‘Do you commit indecency while you see (its iniquity)?’”
55. “ What! Do you approach men lustfully instead of women? No, you are a people that are ignorant.”

I am a member of the Malaysian Bar and I felt very ashamed and disappointed on the statement released by President of the Malaysian Bar. I wish to disassociate myself from the views taken by the President of the Bar on Sexuality Merdeka 2011. Certainly, such views and press statement do not reflect the views of all members of the bar. I object 100%.

May Allah give them guidance. Amin.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Subhanallah! Pejam celik rupanya sudah mengakhiri tahun 2011. Kurang lebih 2 bulan kita akan menjejakkan kaki ke tahun baru 2012. End of the world? :) itu adalah perkara2 yang bukan di dalam kekuasaan kita, Allah yang menetapkan perjalanan kita, tidak perlu 2012, mungkin esok kita sudah dipanggil untuk mengadapNya. Yang penting persediaan kita untuk menghadapi perbicaraan untuk menetapkan kehidupan yang abadi diSANA. Bersediakah kita? ....

Masuk bulan baru, saya ingin bercerita satu peristiwa  dan agar pengalaman ini dapat diambil ikhtibar dari rakan2 yang mengunjungi blog ini


Mungkin rakan2 sudah tahu bahawa saya adalah berprofesion peguam dan ia juga bukanlah satu profesion yang menjadi idaman hati namun pasti ada sebab Allah menentukan pekerjaan ini  untuk saya dan sehingga ke detik ini, sudah  9 tahun saya menjalankan amalan guaman. Allah knows best!

Setiap hari saya pasti bertemu dengan pelbagai karenah manusia. Mendengar dan cuba menyelesaikan dengan sedikit pengetahuan yang dianugerahkan tuhan kepada saya. Masalah, masalah dan masalah. Nak beli tanah yang simple2 pun sekali sekala ada masalah. Tipu dan tidak amanah tidak kira samada pembeli mahupun penjual atau orang tengah adalah lumrah pada dunia akhir zaman ini. Pernah satu ketika saya dipanggil menjadi saksi kerana masalah orang tengah yang menjual harta kepada pelbagai pembeli sedangkan wang deposit telahpun diambil. Tapi itu adalah asam garam pekerjaan saya. Masalah kita pendamkan dulu dan tak akan ada klien yang nak ambil tahu, selesaikan masalah dia adalah yang utama!

Saya hari ni tak nak bercerita berkenaan asam garam menjadi seorang professional, namun saya ingin rakan2 tahu bahawa komuniti kami di kemaman ini adalah kecil. Cubit kanan pasti peha kiri akan tahu. Setiap dari kami adalah seperti rakan dan jarang2 akan menikam dari belakang melainkan satu dua yang sememangnya mungkin dia tidak takutkan tuhan.

Namun yang satu dua inilah yang akan memeningkan kita, menyakitkan hati kita dan merosakkan hubungan kita dengan yang lain. Mencantas kita untuk mendapatkan keuntungan walaupun dia tahu bahawa yang dikejar dan disogoknya itu adalah klien kita malah memburukkan kita dengan bankers2 dengan harapan bank2 ini akan membenci kita dan menganugerahkan kesemua hal-hal pinjaman kepada dia! Subhanallah, wahai rakan saya, rezeki bukannya dari orang bank ataupun pemaju2 yang gah dan terkenal, rezeki dari tuhan!Sememangnya betul ungkapan orang yang banyak hartanya tidak akan pernah merasa cukup dengan apa yang dia ada, malah dia akan cuba membolot semua agar tidak jatuh ke tangan orang lain. Ya Allah, aku berlindung darimu dari orang yang tidak bersyukur! Saya tidak mahu melayani perangai manusia sebegini, makin dilayan makin naik minyaknya. Biarlah luncai dengan labu. Semoga Allah membuka hatinya untuk bertaubat dan memberikan hidayah untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik.

"Hiduplah di dunia dengan berzuhud (bersahaja) maka kamu akan dicintai Allah, dan jangan tamak terhadap apa yang ada di tangan manusia, niscaya kamu akan disenangi manusia." HR. Ibnu Majah

Saya sentiasa berdoa akan rakan2 saya dan keluarga saya tidak termasuk di dalam orang-orang yang tidak bersyukur dengan nikmat yang dianugerahkan tuhan. Janganlah kita cuba menjatuhkan orang lain demi mengejar kekayaan kerana nescaya kufur akan mendekati kita.


Kekayaan bukanlah berdasarkan banyaknya harta-benda yang dimiliki tetapi adalah kekayaan jiwa. (HR. Al Bukhari)
